Blue Velvet

quarta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2008

E não é que o que o homem se apaixona ...

... pela Mira Sorvino. Com diálogos destes é difícil não ser um dos melhores episódios de sempre:

House: Let me guess: you're as pure as the driven snow.
Cate: Only if the snow likes to be on top.


Dr. Wilson: You don't like her because she's a psychiatrist.
House: I'm a complicated man. I loathe her for many reasons.
Dr. Wilson: Never before has a profession been so decried by someone who needed it so badly.
House: You talk a lot of smack about tranny hookers.


Cate: I can do the physical. There's no reason to watch.
House: I can think of at least three reasons. One of them's medical.


House: Great, you've got me all figured out. Are you going to try and fix me now?
Cate: I never said you needed fixing.


ouse: Now slide your hand to your sternum. Probe for nodes, moving slowly downward.
Cate: Down to what, House?
House: Sorry, can't hear you on account of your heavy breathing.
Cate: I'm supposed to be on oxygen, you fool.